Margaret Ann Lembo. Bogans forlag Original title: Chakra Awakening: Transform Your Reality Using Crystals, Color, Aromatherapy & the Power of Positive Thought. Llewellyn Publications. U.S. (1 May 2011)
John Gregory-Smith. Forlaget Hovedland Original title: Mighty Spice Cookbook: Fast, Fresh and Vibrant Dishes Using No More Than 5 Spices For Each Recipe. Watkins Publishing. London (7 Jun. 2012)
Nicola Graimes. Forlaget Hovedland. Original title: New Vegetarian Kitchen - A Vegetarian Cookbook. Watkins Publishing. London (5 July 2012)
Kirsten Hartvig & Nic Rowley. Forlaget Klitrose. Original title: 10 Days to Better Health: A Step-by-step Programme to Restore Good Health and Vitality. Piatkus. London (25 Sep 2003)