Naturopathy, frequently called naturopathic medicine, is a holistic system of primary health care that encourages the body’s vitality and innate ability to heal itself.
Naturopathy draws on a wide range of therapeutic disciplines – known as modalities – and may help patients avoid surgery and/or excessive medication. A naturopath will instead use gentle healing techniques to seek to bring a patient back to his or her natural state of good health.
The principal modalities of naturopathy are nutrition and dietetics, hydrotherapy, physical therapy, psychotherapy, counselling, and finding a healthy lifestyle. A naturopath might also employ techniques drawn from different but related disciplines, such as homeopathy or herbalism.
The core of naturopathic philosophy it to do no harm, and all naturopathic treatments are based on the following guiding principles:
- he healing power of nature
- The body’s ability to heal itself
- The connection between the structural, biochemical and mental/emotional components of all individuals which is called the Triad of Health. If one component is disrupted, the imbalance may lead to ill health or dis-ease of the whole
- Everyone is unique, and will respond differently to emotional, structural, nutritional, social or cultural influences, stress and stimuli
Naturopaths also believe that prevention is better than cure, and that self-awareness is an invaluable part of the treatment process.
Well trained and suitably qualified naturopaths are registered by the General Council and Register of Naturopaths (GCRN). The GCRN sets standards of education, practical skill, and continual professional development (CPD). It also maintains and enforces a strict code of conduct.
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